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Cohiba Siglo II cigar for sale online

Cohiba Cigars for Beginners

Article updated and revised on 6/11/18


The most successful Cuban Cigars brand, and one of the most recognisable cigar names, Cohiba is undisputedly at the top and leading the industry. Although Cohiba Cigars customarily consist of a medium to full strength flavour - not always advisable for a beginner, the brand is most-likely what any new cigar smoker knows and would like to try first. Therefore, we have created this guide to help you choose.


Gather a group of long-term cigar smokers and query them on their favourite Cuban brands. Together they will pick everything from Montecristo Cigars to Bolivar Cigars, and many others such as H. Upmann and Punch. Why then, is Cohiba the name which everybody knows? When Fidel Castro began his revolution, many Cuban cigar brands were forced from privatisation. Cohiba however, became the first National company of Cuba. Legend has it, that Castro noticed his bodyguard smoking a strong and flavourful cigar. When he enquired what it was, his bodyguard mentioned his friend who created the hand-rolled piece. Long story short, Castro tried the cigar, demanded to meet the friend, and then wanted to know exactly how it was made and what it was made from. From that meeting between Castro and the creator, he conceived the idea to produce the greatest Cuban cigars on the market. And here we are decades later...

Cohiba Behike Cigars for sale - EGM Cigars

The Cohiba Behike 52, 54 and 56 cigars. Since their launch in 2010, they have set the standard for high-quality habanos


With the backing of the country's leader, Cohiba was given the best choice of land in Cuba's Vuelta Abajo region. It was once safeguarded during the reign of Castro for fear of sabotage. In addition to owning the best tobacco plantations, Cohiba is the only brand to use a unique, extra fermentation process with wooden barrels, said to give the cigars their famously smooth flavour. The seasoning is no less than three years, and most are predominantly 100% hand rolled. When Cohiba was first established in 1966, Cuban government officials and members of Cuba's communist party were the elite few able to enjoy. It wasn't until 1982, when Cohiba became commercially available. As an unusual fact, the name Cohiba comes from the Taino word for tobacco.

Cohiba Cigars for sale

Top Left: Cohiba Siglo VI Cigar, Top Right: Cohiba Siglo II Cigar, Bottom: Cohiba Majestuosos 1966 50 Aniversario Humidor


With an understanding of Cohiba itself, it's now time to choose which of their cigars to smoke. The Cohiba Siglo VI Cigar is especially popular and has a long smoking time. Though the cigar has a large 52 ring gauge and 150mm length, the smoothness of flavours provides a pleasant smoke and allows a smoker to relax with their cigar - ideal for someone new. With that said, for first-time smokers, those who have never smoked a habano before, a Cohiba Panetelas Cigar is more ideal. Measuring 115mm by a ring gauge of 26, the elegant size is perfectly suited for someone not wanting to dive immediately towards the deep end. Flavours of leather, barnyard and grass combine to create an opulent taste. Another option we suggest, is the Cohiba Siglo II Cigar. Adored by both experienced and new, the habano has a marvellous combustion rate and a pleasant 129mm by 42 ring gauge size. Picture flavours of fine spice, cedar and leather. 


Our EGM Cigars blog is packed full of useful tips and recommendations from us personally, and from some of the biggest cigar sommeliers and leaders in the industry. Cigar Smoking: The Ultimate Do's and Don'ts, is a great post to get you started. If you want to know the best way to put your cigar out or how to smoke in general, the article is a must. Meanwhile, The Secret Rules to Cigar Smoking in Public, tells you exactly what you need to know before smoking at a cigar lounge or terrace. Shop our Cuban cigars online and remember to keep up with our blog for the latest news and insights.


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