Cohiba Majestuosos 1966 Cigars
Is there a Cuban Cigars brand - or cigar brand in general, more established, celebrated and favoured by cigar connoisseurs worldwide? A rhetorical question of course, because Cohiba is the most successful and for worthy reason.
LUXURY OF COHIBA - The name accentuates the meaning of rarity, luxury and craftsmanship. Distinctive medium to full flavours, with tobacco sourced from the very best parts of Cuba's Vuelta Abajo region. Any box of cigars embedding the name Cohiba are special, but to behold an exclusive humidor of their's, is simply an opulence which adjectives alone can't describe. The Cohiba Majestuosos Humidor 1966, commemorates Cohiba's 50th anniversary. A limited selection of only 1,966 humidors have been crafted, meaning a mere handful of cigar enthusiasts can claim to owning this collector's piece. Inside the humidor, contains 20 Cohiba Majestuosos 1966 Cigars - the year Cohiba was born.
"complex and intense aromas"
UNIQUE VITOLA AND FLAVOUR - With the growing popularity of grander cigars, the 150mm length by 58 ring gauge is incredibly special and creates the unique Majestuosos 58 Vitola. The full-strength flavour of these Cohiba Cigars are for those who appreciate complex and intense aromas. Being totally handmade with long filler, the wrapper, filler and binder leaves have been carefully sourced from leaves in Cuba's best tobacco province. Imagine smoking this elegant and spectacular piece of art, or showcasing in your humidor to admiring aficionados. Each Cohiba Majestuosos 1966 Cigar features a commemorative tape in black and gold, to display their speciality.
"a must for serious collectors"
GLISTENING BLACK LACQUER HUMIDOR - A perfect size and style to adorn any decor or room. The front case of the humidor has the Cohiba 50 Aniversario logo standing out in the centre. While inside, a small badge certifies the number within the limited production. So out of the 1,966 humidors, you will have a particular numbered humidor that is entirely exclusive to you. As Cohiba was established in the 60's, there is a subtle, vintage curve around the edges, to represent style from the decade. This stunning piece is significant to every Cohiba and Habanos S.A enthusiast, and is a must for serious collectors.
Considered as part of Habanos Limited Edition Cigars, the Cohiba Majestuosos Humidor is extremely hard to source. Many will be quick to seize the opportunity of owning, as the piece will only increase in value. Another limited and luxury product from Cohiba, is the Cohiba Talisman Cigar Limited Edition 2017. The leaves have been aged for at least two years, with the Seco and Ligero leaves used for rolling, undergoing an additional fermentation. Cohiba produces some of the greatest cigars for sale online, and the Cohiba Majestuosos Humidor is one of the finest in their collection.