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How to Best Store Cigars Without A Humidor egm cigars

How to Best Store Cigars Without A Humidor

Some say you can’t buy a tie without the suit, or in cigar terms, you can’t have Cuban Cigars without a humidor. There’s no doubt that humidors are a great investment for any type of cigar smoker out there, as it's the best way to keep your smokes safe and sound. Nonetheless, what happens if you can’t afford one yet or simply you are not that much of a hard-core smoker to spend your hard-earned money on a Cuban Cigar Humidor? Fear not because we’ve got the solution to your problem. That been said, in today’s blog post we offer you the ultimate guide on how to store your Best Cuban Cigars without a humidor, sharing with you all the tips, dos, and don’ts that you need to take into consideration.


INSIDE THE CIGAR BOX – The cigar box is not just necessary for practical reasons. Cigar boxes can function as great humidors too if exploited properly. For start, prefer choosing a cigar box made of cedar. This material is capable of enriching the flavour of tobacco over time. That's the reason why cedar cigar boxes are being used by many popular cigar brands, such as La Gloria Cubana, Hoyo de Monterrey, and H. Upmann Cigars, as their standard form of cigar packaging. Nonetheless, the material of the box itself won’t be sufficient enough to keep your cigars moist and at the right temperature. That is to say, the environment where your smokes are stored should fulfil certain requirements. One of the best places to store fine Cuban sticks, like the Partagas Lusitanias or the Por Larrañaga Montecarlo cigars, is inside your closet since this is normally the only room in your house to have the least temperature fluctuation.


MONITOR HUMIDITY – When storing your smokes without a humidor you need to be very cautious with the level of humidity inside your box. Ideally, a commercially manufactured humidifying agent, such as EverMoist or Bóveda Humidipak, will better manage the humidity levels inside your box or plastic container. One thing to always keep in mind when putting a moist paper or sponge with your cigars inside your storing device is to avoid, by all means, having water coming in direct contact with them. Water will immediately ruin great smokes, like the Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 Cigar and there’ll be no way back from such a disaster.



PLASTIC CONTAINER – In case you don’t buy your Cuban Cigars Online by the box, you can put loose ones in an air-sealed plastic container. However, before sealing tight the container with your cigars inside, there are two simple steps you may want to follow. First, it would be beneficial to cover the bottom of the container with just a few strips of cedar; that way, cedar will cancel the lingering non-tobacco odours of your plastic container and will keep fine smokes, like the Cohiba Coronas Especiales Cigar, alive and well. Second, your smokes will eventually dry out if you do not add some kind of humidifying agent in there with them. It can either be a moist paper or simply a small sponge placed with your cigars inside your plastic container.


Whether you prefer well-aged Vintage Cigars or regular production ones, pay close attention to the way you store your sticks, especially if you do not use a humidor. As we have discussed above, keeping the aroma’s of your smokes alive and maintaining the right level of humidity inside your storing device is the alpha and the omega when it comes to storing cigars. Find the best smokes that suit your taste buds from our Cuban Cigars for Sale Online shop. Why not learn more about the fascinating world of cigars from our daily updated Cuban Cigar Blog?

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