Montecristo Linea 1935 Maltes Cigars
When one of the biggest cigar brands in the world creates a new habano line, it seems morally wrong for a cigar aficionado to not sit up and take notice. Montecristo – famed for producing some of the most popular cigars for sale online, crafted a Montecristo Linea 1935 line, shown at the Festival del Habanos in 2017. The acclaim and adoration – as expected, meant the cigars were instantaneously sold out. Now however, we are delighted to announce they are back in stock. A fine masterpiece for you to behold.
MONTECRISTO MOST PRESTIGIOUS – All three Montecristo Linea 1935 Cigars are made totally by hand with long filler. Naturally, the stunning wrapper, binder leaves and filler, are sourced from the world’s greatest tobacco land – Cuba’s Vuelta Abajo region. With a Carmelite wrapper and boxes of 20 presented with a Carmelite lacquer finish – bevelled edges and glossy brown, the cigars are disputably the most prestigious Montecristo Cigars ever made. In addition, they are the first full-strength flavour blend. Montecristo habanos are usually medium to full. The aroma nevertheless, provides the same delectable, distinctive and palatable Montecristo flavours. The bands on each, consist of three – a second band to remark the size, and a third to protect the foot of the cigar. Commemorating its legacy before pre-revolutionary Cuba – 1935 being the year they were founded, at least one of these cigars is magnificently worthy of being stocked in your humidor.
Top Left: Montecristo Linea 1935 Leyenda Cigar, Top Right: Montecristo Linea 1935 Dumas Cigar, Bottom: Montecristo Linea 1935 Maltes Cigar
"this habano packs a mighty punch"
SMALLEST OF THE THREE FORMATS - The Montecristo Linea 1935 Dumas Cigar measures at just 130mm by a 49 ring gauge. The name Dumas comes from Alexandre Dumas, established as the writer of the book ‘The Count of Montecristo’. With such full and intense taste compact in a smaller size, this habano packs a mighty punch. It's perfectly suited for you, if you admire a complex and rich smoke. Imagine earth and spice merging together, in each of the 20 cigars presented. The vitola – Prominente Corto, is new to Montecristo, and although more petite in comparison to others, we suggest this cigar is befitting for an experienced connoisseur.
APPEALING HONEY-TONED WRAPPER - The Montecristo Linea 1935 Maltes Cigar is extremely well constructed. The vitola – Sobresalientes, measures at 153mm by a 53 ring gauge. Equally the name Maltes originates from ‘The Count of Montecristo’. Maltes was used as a nickname for the main character, The Maltese Sailor. The visually striking, noticeably oily wrapper, combines an essence of earth, leather and vanilla. The draw meanwhile, brings leather, citrus, coffee and pepper to a blissful sensation. Both the draw and burn are recognised as exquisite – even and not overpowering, with a gloriously long finish.
"a delightful sheen of oils"
ONE OF THE LARGEST MONTECRISTO CUBAN CIGARS - The Montecristo Linea 1935 Leyenda Cigar shares a format with the illustrious Montecristo 80 Aniversario Cigar, measuring at 165mm in length by a hefty 55 ring gauge. The habano presents itself with a delightful sheen of oils and a spotless construction. Using traditional Montecristo flavours, such as spice, cedar and coffee, the cigar also includes a touch of cherry and a sprinkle of vanilla. There is plenty of intensity and a fantastic balance between the aromas. Immediately upon lighting, you will notice a great burn and as you continue to smoke, ash will remain a lovely shape.
THE LEGACY OF MONTECRISTO CIGARS – A Havana flagship brand – the Montecristo No. 4 Cigar remains one of the world’s best-selling. The medium to full profile flavour accommodates to a wide range of smoking preferences, and the growing editions of vitolas and styles, has kept Montecristo Cigars at the top of habano preference. Although formed early in the 20th century – in 1935, this is relatively new when compared to Partagas Cigars and H. Upmann, the factory of which Montecristo Cigars were first hand-rolled in. Our blog post: The Art Between a Creative and Their Cuban Cigar, mentions how Jack Nicholson, Michael Douglas and Demi Moore, all believe a Montecristo cigar to be the best. When you Buy Cuban Cigars, it’s nearly impossible to not reflect on the range. The Montecristo Linea 1935 are a sought-after treasure, and highly enjoyable to smoke.