The Partagás Lusitania’s might just take the crown, widely known as the King of cigars, we consider it one of the most classic cigars online. In this post we discover the history of the brand, the cigar’s story and what makes it one of the most loved cigars across the world.
In 2017, the magazine 'Cigar Aficionado' named the Lusitania as Number 11 in their list of Top 25 Cigars. The cigar is handmade by the very best torcedores in Cuba and constructed using the finest tobacco leaves. But what is unique about this particular cigar is that, due to its double coronas size, the tobacco leaves used need to be some of the largest, meaning they have spent longer time on the plant giving it it’s developed flavour.
The Prominentes vitola measures at 194mm x a generally loved 49 ring gauge and delivers an exquisite full flavour, not for beginners or the faint hearted.
Due to its grand size, this cigar requires patience and commitment, providing just under two hours of pure smoking pleasure.
The Partagás factory is especially famous amongst cigar enthusiasts, making it one of the most visited in Havana. The factory was opened by Don Jamie Partagás in 1845 and since then has been making the finest and most famous Partagás Cuban cigars.
The orange and cream façade of the building with the classic pillar- box red logo emblazoned across the entrance is recognised by almost all cigar aficionados and if not, can one really consider themselves one? You’ll be forgiven if you’ve visited in the last couple of years though as the factory moved location in 2016, just a ten-minute drive from its previous location.
A Partagás cigar is predominantly known for its full flavour, denoting notes of earthiness. It owes its flavour to a combination of filler and binder tobaccos which have been cultivated in the Vuelta Abajo zone in Cuba.
The brand has an extensive portfolio of cigars, in a wide selection of shapes and sizes, with the Lusitania and Partagas Cigar Serie D No.4 being their best known.
Some other very much adored Cuban cigars from the brand include the Partagas Serie P No.5, which was added to the range in 2005. And then in 2011, the Serie D No.5 and Serie E No.2 extended the alphabet series further.
We have an excellent selection of Cuban cigars for sale from this prestigious brand, which has produced some of the best Cuban cigars.
Looking to buy Cuban cigars but not sure which ones? See our Cuban cigar classics series on our Cuban cigar blog, like Cohiba Lanceros: Cuban Cigar Classics to make things a little easier.