For aficionados who may be pressed for time but still yearn for rich smoke and aroma, short cigars offer the perfect solution. Here are five top picks in the market.
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
Coffee aficionado and cigar smoker Rikesh Chauhan shares his wisdom on the best cigars to pair with a flat white.
Brit Bones is an incredibly talented creative, based in London. With a vested interest in music, fashion, illustration, and more recently, cigars, we caught up with the talented artist in...
There's nothing worse than when a particular cigar you enjoy runs out and becomes impossible to find. It is worth, therefore, keeping abreast of cigars where production is in demand, and...
Menswear writer and cigar aficionado Mike Hughes expertly navigates how to keep busy in Mayfair without doing anything at all.
In his latest article, Rikesh Chauhan waxes lyrical about the breadth, quality and importance of Robusto cigars, and why they’re the perfect cigar for the new generation of aficionados.