We're excited to share some fantastic news with our cigar-loving community. Our EGM Cigars have recently received outstanding recognition from one of the industry's most respected publications, Cigar Journal. In...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
As 2023 draws to a close, EGM Cigars' CEO Ettore Gabriele Moraschinelli reflects on what has been quite the spectacular year.
Kacper Hamilton, the visionary designer behind HALO, speaks to EGM about his career, inspirations and how our collaborative story began…
Those that have followed our journey will be no stranger to Angel Ramos. Quite possibly one of the best-dressed men to set foot in New York, we caught up with...
Having met the delightful Mikael in Havana earlier this year for the Festival del Habano XXIII, we caught up with the cigar aficionado once again to chat about the cigar...
Sunflowerman is a Fort Worth-based fashion illustrator, artist and cigar aficionado. Inspired by some of the world's best dressed, we caught up with Matthew earlier this year at Pitti Uomo.