Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars

El Laguito Factory Havana - Cohiba Cigars - EGM Cigars

Inside El Laguito: The Home of Cohiba Cigars

 Article Updated and Revisited on 10/10/2019 Every aficionado knows that Cohiba is known as the most famous Cuban cigar brand in the world! So, you can imagine our faces when...

Cuban Cigar Industry Pioneers - EGM Cigars

Cuban Cigar Industry Pioneers

 ROYAL DECREE. LEGENDARY SMOKERS. CUBAN CIGAR LEADERS The story of Cuban Cigars is rich and intricate in history. Many a smoker and many a pioneer. But delving through the encyclopaedia...

Orson Welles - Cuban Cigars - EGM Cigars

Cuban Cigar Idol: Orson Welles

Image via Twitter LEGENDARY DIRECTOR. ACCLAIMED ACTOR. CIGAR CONNOISSEUR In celebration of Orson Welles’s final film being shown on Netflix – four decades after being created, we have chosen to...