ABUNDANT. NUTRIENT-RICH. PERFECT CONDITIONS. Cuba, the homeland of the prestigious Cuban cigar, is considered to be the best place to cultivate tobacco. We have to admit, Nicaraguan, Dominican and other cigars...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
Montecristo Edmundo Cigars Republished Article 21/01/2020 PASSION. PATIENCE. PLUS THE RIGHT HABANO Their nervous – you’re devoted. They try to imitate film icons smoking – you try to relax as...
The use of Cuban cigars in movies is never-ending! There are plenty of iconic scenes and characters in Hollywood that have involved the great commodity. Although it’s more than just a prop...
"FDA REGULATIONS COULD JEOPARDISE THE CIGAR INDUSTRY" The Food and Drug Administration has a long-running history on the debate against selling cigars and tobacco. In recent years, the agency has increased...
With the decline in brick and mortar stores and more shoppers using online stores to make purchases, it can be worrying how much we rely on a screen to show...
Power, wealth and crime certainly spring to mind when the Mafia come into the conversation. The picture of a luxurious suit, mysterious shades and a good old Cuban cigar is certainly an...