by Nick Hendry When on the move around London, shopping in the streets of Mayfair and Marylebone, the desire to relax with a Cuban Cigar can often strike. It is...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
by Nick Hendry. Outside of Havana itself few locations mean as much to the world of Cuban Cigars as the little corner of London known as St. James’s. Since Henry...
By Nick Hendry The proper enjoyment of a Cuban Cigar can be as much about the venue as it can the cigar itself. Uncomfortable surroundings, perhaps affected by inclement weather...
Second day in Florence for Pitti Uomo and we couldn’t think of a better time to scatter the city for the best lounge, bar, or garden to smoke Cuban Cigars....
For our next Where to Smoke blog post, editorial series where we provide you with the ultimate guide on the most luxurious bars, rooms, lounges, and terraces to smoke Cuban...
The 1920's Orient Express inspired Rivoli Bar - an intimate cocktail lounge UNIQUE SERVICE AND DECOR. FAMOUS CIGAR SMOKING GUESTS. RENOWNED WORLDWIDE We are pleased to present this fifth edition...