For avid cigar aficionados, habanos are an integral part of their lives, following them anywhere they go. From their office and work environment to special occasions and holiday trips, Cuban Cigars are there as loyal companions, helping them create unforgettable memories. Nevertheless, in the case when you are travelling with your smoking kit, you ought to be aware of the regulations, guidelines, or even, in some occasions, dangers that lurk when specifically flying with cigars. With that been said, in today’s post we discuss the dos and don’ts when flying with habanos, offering you the ultimate guide on how to preperly fly with your favourite Cuban cigars.
PROTECT YOUR CIGARS – First thing to say, you need to ensure the safe transportation of your sticks. Whether checking them in as luggage or keeping them with you as hand-luggage, always make sure that your habanos will remain untouched, ready to be enjoyed once you reach your destination. However, we strongly recommend you to take your cigars onto the plane inside a carry on bag if possible. Atmospheric changes inside a plane’s luggage storage can expand and contract your cigars and that could have devastating results, like causing their warpper to crack. On the other hand, the conditions inside the cabin are far more stable, making it a friendly environment for your habanos. In addition, when it comes to choosing the quantity of your sticks, bare in mind the regulations of the airport you are travelling from as there are certain limitations when bringing organic products as a carry-on item.
Nonetheless, if you are brave enough to bring your Cuban Cigars Online with you as a check-in luggage, take extra time picking the right humidor or cigar case. Of course, your check-in luggage will be thrown around, crushed, stepped on and squeezed – that’s why you need to ensure that your cigar case or humidor is sturdy to survive all this treatment yet light enough to not significantly impact your overall weight allowance.
Despite which way you choose to travel with your smokes, a resistant yet lightweight cigar case always comes in handy. Elegant in design yet durable under any conditions, the Carbon Fibre Cigar Case will certainly do the trick on this occasion. The carbon material provides excellent protection for any of your habanos, allowing them to fit inside with ease and comfort - guaranteeing the safety of your smokes when travelling by air. A very much sought stick amongst cigar aficionados, the La Gloria Cubana Invictos Cigar (Ex. Italia 2018) features a Robustos vitola that fits perfectly inside the carbon fibre cigar case. Exclusively handmade for the Italian market, the invictos cigar measures at 124 mm in length by a ring gauge of 50 and delivers a medium flavoured profile, characteristic of La Gloria Cubana Cigars, providing the smoker with a smoke to remember.
Left: Carbon Fibre Cigar Case, Right: La Gloria Cubana Invictos Cigar (Ex. Italia 2018)
CIGAR CUTTERS ALLOWANCE – Many argue that cigar cutters are allowed as a hand-luggage. In particular, the TSA - short for Transportation Security Administration, in the US, points out that each passenger is allowed to bring with them one single blade which is, however, shorter than four inches. Does it worth the risk though? When bringing your cigar cutter with you in your hand luggage, you are putting yourself at the mercy of the airport’s security team. Instead, play it safe and pack your cigar cutter in your check-in luggage and avoid the possibility of having your cutter confiscated by the airport security.
CIGAR LIGHTERS ALLOWANCE – Lighters are not allowed in your checked-in luggage as they are considered highly dangerous and if found, will be confiscated. However, you are allowed to bring a single soft flame cigar lighter with you as a hand-luggage, but only if it does not exceed the liquid allowance regulations and is placed inside a plastic bag. A littlepiecec of advice, you should avoid flying with your favourite lighter, especially if exceeds the 100 kg limit and. Instead, replace it with matches, good enough to light a fine habano once you have landed, such as the Partagas Aristocrats Cigar. Enclosed inside an exquisite wooden box, this habano is capable of producing a combination of strong aromas with complex flavours – a great cigar choice to fly with. A puro that speaks to cigar collectors all over the world, the Cohiba Talisman Edicion Limitada 2017 Cigar is certainly another great puro choice on this occasion. Hand-rolled using tobacco leaves aged for a minimum of two years, the Limited Editions talisman cigar delivers a full-flavoured yet well-balanced smoke, making it the ideal habano for those who seek to fly with a cigar of limited supply.
Left: Partagas Aristocrats Cigar, Right: Cohiba Talisman Edicion Limitada 2017 Cigar
Whether you are travelling by plane or exploiting any other mode transportation, always remember to carefully pack your habanos, ensuring that they are safe and sound - ready for you to enjoy once you reach your destination. With an extensive selection of Cuban Cigars for Sale Online, we certainly have a habano for every type of cigar smoker out there. Make sure to learn more about the cigars industry by exploring more from our recent blog posts.