The use of Cuban cigars in movies is never-ending! There are plenty of iconic scenes and characters in Hollywood that have involved the great commodity. Although it’s more than just a prop...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
"FDA REGULATIONS COULD JEOPARDISE THE CIGAR INDUSTRY" The Food and Drug Administration has a long-running history on the debate against selling cigars and tobacco. In recent years, the agency has increased...
2019 marked the 50th anniversary for Trinidad Cigars – one of the much-loved brands on our Cuban cigar shop. What was once named ‘Cuba’s best-kept secret’ was originally a private brand, which was...
"NEW YEAR - THE PERFECT TIME TO TRY CIGARS" It can be easy to stick to what you're comfortable with. But with the plethora of tobacco in the Cuban cigar...
Cuba is the home to plenty of great things – and two of those things happen to be rum and Cuban cigars. These both complimentary of each other and when put...
With the decline in brick and mortar stores and more shoppers using online stores to make purchases, it can be worrying how much we rely on a screen to show...