Aficionados, do you ever find that your Cuban cigar tastes awfully bitter? Much of the time, you can head straight to the assumption that you simply don't like the cigar. However, did...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
Today, we come bearing good news for all you aficionados! We are thrilled to announce that we have some new products on our Cuban cigar shop. These Cuban cigars are rare and limited,...
September is almost over, which means one thing… the Fall season is approaching! This time of year is perfect for cosying up by an open fire, with a cup of...
It is every aficionado’s dream to keep a collection of Cuban cigars that they can easily access when needed. Like a wardrobe, you need different pieces for different occasions. Wouldn't...
If you read our article about The Importance of Humidity in storing Cuban cigars, you’ll know that it’s a crucial part in the longevity and maintenance of your cigar. Often enough aficionados encounter...
EGM STYLE MENTORS Throughout our travels across countries and continents, we have encountered many extraordinary individuals who are passionate and talented in their own respective craft – and who also...