Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars

cigars and handmade hats egm cigars

Cuban Cigars’ Relationship with Handmade Hats

If you read our blog fanatically, you should know by now that Cuban Cigars are beyond just smokes. They are an experience, linked directly with the worlds of craftsmanship, lifestyle,...

Aristotle Onassis EGM cigars

Aristotle Onassis: Wealth, Love, and Cuban Cigars

Smoking Cuban Cigars is a ritual strongly associated with the true gentleman. In particular, men of exceptional elegance, manners, and sophistication were always attracted to the would of habanos. Whether...

Smoking Cigars: Historic Childbirth Celebration

Smoking Cigars: Historic Childbirth Celebration

The ritual of smoking cigars has been serving as a celebratory tradition for many festive occasions. From internationally recognised sports celebrations to personal achievements, there couldn’t be a more suitable...

cuban cigars organic products EGM Cigars

Cuban Cigars as Organic Products

Every proper cigar smoker ought to be fully aware of the process that goes behind the creation of Cuban Cigars. From cultivation to manufacture, it takes a lot of hard...

Cohiba Guayabera Shirts, Cuban cigar accessories

Styling our Guayabera Shirts: A Summer Must-Have

Cuban Cigars have always been going hand in hand with style and refined aesthetics. From cigar aficionados Winston Churchill and Alfred Hitchcock to contemporary yet stylish cigar smokers, habanos share a...