Pickup available at Headquarter Balerna
Usually ready in 24 hours
The Davidoff Primeros by Davidoff Escurio Cigar offers a vibrant and exciting smoking experience, capturing the bold flavours of Brazil in a smaller, convenient format. Ideal for those seeking a quick yet dynamic smoke, this cigar delivers the full-bodied richness of the Escurio blend in a shorter timeframe, without compromising on flavour or complexity. Crafted with a blend of Brazilian and Dominican tobaccos and wrapped in a dark Ecuadorian Habano leaf, the Primeros by Davidoff Escurio delivers a lively profile. Smokers can enjoy notes of spicy pepper, leather, and wood, balanced by hints of sweetness and tropical fruit. Each puff offers a complex and evolving flavour experience, making this compact cigar a true reflection of the bold Escurio blend. Perfect for aficionados who appreciate intense, full-bodied cigars but require a shorter smoking time, the Davidoff Primeros by Davidoff Escurio Cigar provides an impeccable burn and smooth draw, ensuring a satisfying and indulgent smoke with every puff.