Cohiba Espléndidos Gran Reserva Cosecha 2017 is a masterpiece that quite possibly represents the very best Cuban cigars have had to offer.
As part of the renowned Gran Reserva series, this release from Cohiba, Cuba's most prestigious brand, is crafted for the connoisseur seeking the ultimate smoking experience.
Hand-rolled using tobacco exclusively harvested in 2017, this cigar exemplifies meticulous care and expertise, with each leaf aged for a full five years before being expertly rolled into the iconic Julieta No. 2 vitola—a classic Churchill size. This aging process enhances the complexity of the tobacco, yielding a balanced and refined smoking profile that is rich in flavour and silky smooth from start to finish.
Each cigar in the limited-edition run is distinguished by a unique black and gold "GR" band, signifying its status as part of the elite Gran Reserva collection. Only 5,000 numbered boxes were produced, each containing 15 cigars encased in high-gloss lacquered packaging—a reflection of the unparalleled exclusivity and luxury that Cohiba is known for.
The Cohiba Espléndidos Gran Reserva Cosecha 2017 is more than just a cigar; it is a symbol of Cuban heritage, excellence, and the artistry of cigar-making. Whether enjoyed in a moment of quiet reflection or shared among discerning aficionados, this Gran Reserva promises an exceptional experience, celebrating the perfect blend of tradition and luxury
Origin: |
Cuban |
Manufactured: |
Hand made |
Medium to Full
Length: |
178 mm |
Vitola de galera: |
Julieta No. 2 |
Ring: |
47 |