Pickup available at Headquarter Balerna
Usually ready in 24 hours
The Davidoff Grand Cru No. 5 is a sophisticated small-format cigar that delivers a luxurious, well-balanced smoking experience in a compact size. Measuring 102 mm in length with a 41-ring gauge, this Petit Corona is perfect for aficionados who seek refined flavours without the time commitment of larger cigars. Handcrafted with the finest aged Dominican tobaccos and wrapped in an elegant Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, the Grand Cru No. 5 offers a smooth, medium-bodied profile. Expect an initial burst of cedar and subtle pepper, followed by creamy notes of nuts and a gentle earthiness that lingers throughout the smoke. Its impeccable construction ensures a perfect draw and even burn, providing a consistently pleasurable experience. The Davidoff Grand Cru No. 5 is ideal for those who desire a luxurious cigar in a smaller size, making it perfect for shorter moments of indulgence or when time is limited. With its rich flavours and flawless construction, it remains an exceptional choice for both everyday enjoyment and special occasions.