Pickup available at Headquarter Balerna
Usually ready in 24 hours
Hoyo de Monterrey is synonymous with tradition and sophistication in Cuban cigars, representing Havana’s history and quality. Founded in the latter half of the 19th century, this brand embodies a craftsmanship philosophy emphasising delicate aromatic complexity without sacrificing intensity and depth.
Hoyo de Monterrey cigars are renowned for their perfect balance and refined approach to construction and flavour, making them a favoured choice among newcomers and seasoned connoisseurs.
Hoyo de Monterrey Coronations AT is a cigar that combines tradition and accessibility in a convenient format. It is ideal for a brief yet nuanced smoking experience. With an easy draw and rounded flavour, it offers a light aromatic profile characterised by delicate woody notes and subtle spicy hints, perfect for those seeking a moderately intense cigar.
It’s the ideal companion for pleasure, presented in an elegant aluminium tube. Pair it with some cigar accessories to upgrade your smoking experience: