At EGM Cigars we are not only a valuable and respected resource, but we are also a team of people who aim to provide an expansive collection of Cuban Cigars. We source our cigars using experts in the field, who ensure that every Cigar we stock is of the utmost quality and abide by our strict standards. You can expect every single one of our Cigars to be checked over, not once but thrice, to guarantee that quality products are always delivered.
With a various selection of Cuban Cigar brands, we’re sure that we can tailor to any taste. Every brand has a distinctive flavour and are preferred for various reasons. The Guantanamera Cigars are light flavoured; Romeo y Julieta Cigars are known for their medium flavoured profile and Bolivar Cuban Cigars are recognised as having the fullest flavour profile.
As the great Zino Davidoff once wrote: "The moment of choosing a cigar is an important, difficult, and decisive one." And we’re here to make that moment a whole lot easier.